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GE Logiq C5 Motherboard Ultrasound Spare Board 5351687

1. Compatible system: GE Logiq C5 
2. Warranty: 60 days
3. Part number: 5351687

    GE Logiq C5  Motherboard-5351687

    About GE Logiq C5

    1. Composition of GE Logiq9 color ultrasound
    The GE Logiq9 color ultrasound diagnostic system consists of a power module, a computer (PC), a front-end circuit board box, a display and a control panel. Among them, the computer is loaded with the Windows XP operating system and corresponding applications. It is the heart of the whole machine, responsible for controlling and coordinating the work of various parts of the host, and analyzing and calculating the signals sent from the front end to form a video signal output to the display to obtain the ultrasound image you see

    2. Working principle of GE Logiq9 color ultrasound
    The working principle of this system is based on the combination of a computer and a scanner with a probe. The machine startup (power-on) process is the same as that of GE Logiq9, and the independent computer is the first component of the machine to start working

    3. Analysis of GE Logiq9 color ultrasound failure cases
    The machine cannot start: Possible reasons include ATX power supply problems or computer motherboard failures. For example, the case mentioned in the article is caused by leakage of the filter capacitor of the 12 V voltage
    A blue screen interface appears after the machine starts: This is usually related to the Windows software and the computer hardware it dependscolor ultrasound on. Solving such problems may require checking the hard disk status or reinstalling the system.

    About GE Logiq C5 Motherboard

    • Core processor and computing power:
      GE LOGIQ C5 motherboards may be equipped with high-performance processors or processor groups to ensure that real-time processing of ultrasound images and complex image processing algorithms can run efficiently. This high-performance computing capability is essential to support the multiple imaging modes and advanced features of the LOGIQ C5 system.
    • Signal processing capabilities:
      The motherboard integrates advanced signal processing circuits to receive and process weak electrical signals from ultrasound probes. These signals are amplified, filtered, and digitized into data that can be used to generate ultrasound images.


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