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Philips HD11 Ultrasound TR Board-M2540-60040

1. Compatible system: Philips HD11
2. Warranty: 60 days
3. Part number: M2540-60040

    Philips HD11 Ultrasound TR Board-M2540-60040

    Philips HD11 Basic overview

    • Philips HD11 is widely used in the medical field, especially in clinical diagnosis such as abdominal, cardiac and obstetrics and gynecology (OB/GYN). The system is known for its advanced imaging technology and high performance, providing medical professionals with high-quality ultrasound images.

    Philips HD11 Ultrasound Board

    • Function and role: The ultrasonic plate is one of the core components of the ultrasonic diagnostic system, which is responsible for processing the signals transmitted and received by the ultrasonic probe and converting them into images that can be displayed and analyzed. In the Philips HD11 system, the ultrasonic plate performs key data processing and image generation tasks.
    • Compatibility: The Philips HD11 ultrasound board works closely with the system's compatible ultrasound probes to achieve high quality ultrasound diagnostics.

    Repair and maintenance

    • Breakdown maintenance: Since ultrasound diagnostic systems are often overloaded in hospitals, breakdown maintenance is inevitable. Aiming at the fault maintenance of Philips HD11 series ultrasonic diagnostic instrument, relevant research and practical experience have been obtained. This experience includes an understanding of the system architecture, an in-depth analysis of the causes of failures, and a detailed troubleshooting process, helping to fix failures quickly and reduce downtime.
    • Regular maintenance: In order to ensure the long-term stable operation and image quality of the ultrasonic diagnostic system, regular maintenance and maintenance is very important. This includes cleaning probes, checking cable connections, updating software patches, and performing necessary calibrations.


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